




Care for the elderly




英 [keə(r)]   美 [ker]





not care for sb/sth:(formal) 不喜欢





英 [ˈwʌri]   美 [ˈwɜːri]





not to worry:(informal, especially BrE) 别担心;不必发愁;没关系



[词典] tend; take care of; attend to; mind; attend;


If it had not been for the doctor's care I should not be speaking to you now.


一、look after

英 [luk ˈɑ:ftə]   美 [lʊk ˈæftɚ]


I love looking after the children


二、take care of

英 [teik kɛə ɔv]   美 [tek kɛr ʌv]


Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself


三、care for

英 [kɛə fɔ:]   美 [kɛr fɔr]


They hired a nurse to care for her.



词义辨析:take care of、look after、care for

1、照看小孩、老人、病人或物品可用take care of,英国英语尤用look after:

You can borrow my camera if you promise to take care of/look after it.


2、在较正式用语中,照看或照顾某人亦可用care for:

She does some voluntary work, caring for the elderly.


3、care for较常用于表示喜欢:

I don’t really care for spicy food.





1、世界奇观wonders of the world

2、以我的观点 in my opinion

3、超过more than (over)

4、大量的;无数的millions of

5、穿过大门 go through the gate

6、回答我的问题 answer my questions/reply to my questions

7、突然向下倾斜 fall away

8、在……上面;盖住 on top of

9、自然奇迹 natural wonders

10、参加讨论 join in the discussion

11、1700米宽 1700 meters wide

12、同意某人的观点 agree with sb.

13、清晨 the early morning

14、下车 get out of the car

15、5分钟后 in 5 minutes

16、在……底端 at the bottom of

17、在两边 on both sides

18、发电 produce electricity


1、从那以后 since then

2、各种各样的 all kinds of

3、去度假 take a vacation

4、玩得高兴 have fun

5、一……就…… as soon as

6、摆放餐具 lay the table

7、洗盘子 wash the dishes

8、照顾,照料 take care of

9、休息三天 have three days off

10、国庆节 the National Day

11、去野餐 have a picnic

12、在……的末端 at the end of

13、公休假日 public holidays

14、……的开端 the beginning of/start of

15、为……而感谢give thanks for

16、当地人 the local people

17、作简短的讲话 make short speeches

18、在17世纪in the 17th century

19、接下来的一年the following year


1、一块金牌 a gold medal

2、参加一次会议 attend the meeting

3、去国外 go abroad

4、再一次 once again

5、放弃 give up

6、放弃做某事 give up doing

7、为……而死 die for

8、照顾 take care of / look after

9、那时候 at that time

10、独自一人 on one’s own

11、设法做成某事 manage to do sth.

12、继续做某事 continue doing

13、死于 die of

14、给……做手术 do an operation on

15、最好的乒乓球运动员之一 one of the best table tennis players

16、努力训练 train hard

17、告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.

18、停止做某事 stop doing

19、停下来去做某事 stop to do

20、到国外上大学 attend university abroad

21、7年后(用于一般过去时) 7 years later

22、足够好 good enough

23、一个真正的英雄 a true hero

24、一个坚强的意志 have a strong will

25、开始做某事 start to do / begin to do

26、伤员 the wounded soldiers

27、训练课程 train courses

28、挽救很多生命 save many lives

29、最后 in the end

30、使他成为一名英雄 made him a hero


1、短信 text message

2、两个 a couple of

3、关闭 turn off

4、担心 worry about / be worried about

5、出差 on business

6、在沙发上 on the sofa

7、在午夜 at midnight

8、醒来 wake up

9、上交 hand in

10、整天 all day long

11、不能做某事 be unable to do sth.

12、对某人来说重要 be important for sb.

13、耽误两周的课 miss two weeks of lessions

14、小心对待 be careful with

15、大量 plenty of

16、确保 make sure

17、做简单的饭 cook simple meals

18、建议某人做某事 suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth.

19、即将做某事 be about to do sth.

20、两周后(将来时) in 2 weeks / in a couple of weeks

21、保持整洁 keep tidy

22、旅行愉快 have a good trip

23、有点不开心 fell a bit unhappy

24、对……厌烦 be bored with

25、让我独自生活 leave me alone

26、实现 come true

27、醒的晚 wake up late

28、匆忙去学校 hurry to school

29、跟我要作业 ask me for my homework

30、感到孤独 feel lonely

31、做这么好吃的食物 cook such delicious food

32、讲笑话 tell funny jokes

33、一……就…… as soon as


1、禁止吸烟 No smoking.

2、禁止拍照 No photos.

3、禁止触摸 No touching.

4、禁止大喊 No shouting.


1. It’s up to you.(由你决定。)

2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。)

3. How can I get in touch with you?

4. plain about/of 抱怨

36. change…into… 把…变成… (= turn into)

37.with the help of 在…的帮助下

38. compare…to (with)… 把…和…作比较

39.think of (think about) 想起,想到

40.physical problems身体上的问题

41.break off 中断,突然终止

42. not…at all 根本不,全然不


1. How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备?

2. I have learned a lot that way. 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。

3.It’s too hard to understand the voice. 听懂那些声音太难了。

4.Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

5. Wei Ming feels differently. 卫明有不同的'感受。

6.He finds watching movies frustrating. 他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧.

7.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. 她又说和朋友对话根本没用。

8.I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有搭档一起练习英语。

9.Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. 随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

10.It’s amazing how much this helped. 我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。

11.My teacher is very impressed. 给老师留下了深刻的印象。

12.She had trouble making complete sentences. 她很难造出完整的句子。

13.What do you think you are doing? 你在做什么?

14.Most people speak English as a second language. 英语对于大多数人来说是第二语言。

15.How do we deal with our problem? 我们怎样处理我们的问题?

16.It is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 在老师的帮助下尽我们


17.He can’t walk or even speak.他无法走路,甚至无法说话

Unit 2


1. be more interested in 对…更感兴趣.

2. on the swim team 游泳队的队员.

3. be terrified of 害怕.

4. gym class 体操课.

5. worry about. 担心.

6. all the time 一直, 总是

7. chat with 与…闲聊

8. hardly ever 几乎从不

9. walk to school = go to school on foot

take the bus to school = go to school by bus 步行去学校

10. as well as 不仅…而且

11. get into trouble 遇到麻烦

12. make a decision 做出决定

13. to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是

14. take pride in 为…感到骄傲

15. pay attention to 留心, 注意

16. consist of 由…组成/构成.

be made up of 由…组成/构成.

17. instead of 代替, 而不是

18. in the end 最后, 终于

19. play the piano 弹钢琴


1.I used to be afraid of the dark. 我以前害怕黑暗.

2.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 我开着卧室的灯睡觉.

3.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. 以前我常常花很多时间和我的朋友们玩游戏.

4.I hardly ever have time for concerts. 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会.

5.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.

6.It will make you stressed out. 那会使你紧张的.

7.It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 玉梅似乎变化很大.

Unit 3


1. be allowed to do sth 被允许干…

allow sb to do sth 允许某人干…

allow doing sth 允许干…

2.sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16岁的孩子

3. part-time jobs 兼职工作

4. a driver’s license 驾照

5. on weekends 在周末

6. at that age 在那个年龄段

7. on school nights 在上学期间的每个晚上

8. stay up 熬夜

9. clean up (相当与及物动词) 清扫

10. fail (in) a test 考试不及格

11. take the test 参加考试

12. the other day 前几天

13. all my classmates 我所有的同学

14. concentrate on 全神贯注于

15. be good for 对…有益

16. in groups 成群的,按组的

17. get noisy 吵闹(系表结构)

18. learn from 向某人学习

19. at present 目前,现在

20. have an opportunity to do sth 有做…的机会

21.English-English dictionary 英英词典

22. at least 至少

23.eight hours’ sleep a night 每晚8小时的睡眠

24. an old people’s home 敬老院

25. take time to do sth 花费时间干…

26. primary schools 小学

27. have…off 放假,休息

28. reply to 回答,答复

29. get in the way of 妨碍

30. a professional athlete 职业运动员

31. achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

32. think about 思考,考虑

33. in the end 最后,终于

34. be serious about 对…热忠/极感兴趣

35. spend…on + n. spend …(in) + v-ing 在…上花费时间/金钱

36. care about 关心,担心,在乎

37. agree with 同意…


1. I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 我认为不应该允许12岁的孩子穿耳孔.

2.They talk instead of doing homework. 他们聊天而不是做作业.

3.He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm. 允许他们熬到晚上11点.

4.We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. 我们应该被允许更加经常的花些时间多做这类事情.

5.What school rules do you think should be changed? 你认为学校的哪些制度应该改一改了?

6.The two pairs of jeans both look good on me. 这两条牛仔裤穿在我身上都适合.

7.The classroom is a real mess. 教室太脏了.

8.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?

9.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 只有这样我才能实现我的梦想.

10.They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. 应该允许他们对业余爱好想练多长时间就练多长时间.

11.We have nothing against running. 我们没有理由反对他跑步.

Unit 4


1、give it to charity 把它捐给慈善机构

2、medical research 医学研究

3、What if …… 如果…怎么样?

4、get nervous 紧张

5、take a big exam 参加大考

6、help with 有助于

7、in public 在公共场合

8、hardly ever 几乎不

9、the whole school 全校

10、without permission 为经许可

11、be(make) friends with 与…交朋友

12、ask one’s permission 请求××的允许

13、introduce…to… 把…介绍给…

14、invite…to do… 邀请…干…

15、social situations 社会环境

16、not… in the slightest 根本不,一点也不

17、right away 立刻,马上

18、all day 全天

19、be friendly to 对…友好

20、at lunch time 在午饭时间

21、a bit shy 有点害羞

22、English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

23、represent the class 代表班级

24、come top 名列第一(前茅)

25、let … down 使…失望

26、come up with 提出、想出

27、be sure of + n./pron.

28、the rest of the students 其余的学生

be sure to do 相信…

be sure +that 从句




1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料…

2.listen to…听……

3.welcome to…欢迎到……

4.say hello to …向……问好

5.speak to…对……说话





1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下



1.come on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家

4.come in进来 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立



1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class

4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper

7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games

10. play games




2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。

3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示“在上午/下午/傍晚”等一段时间。

4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示“在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里”。

5.in the tree表示“在树上 (非树本身所有)”;on the tree表示“在树上(为树本身所有)”。

6.in the wall表示“在墙上(凹陷进去)”;on the wall表示“在墙上(指墙的表面)”。

7.at work(在工作)/at school(上学)/at home(在家)应注意此类短语中无the。

8.at + 时刻表示钟点。

9.like this/that表示方式,意为“像……这/那样”。


11.behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名词等,表示方位、处所。


另外,以下这些短语也必须掌握。如:on duty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one’s bike等。


1.I think…意为“我认为……”,是对某人或某事的看法或态度的一种句型。其否定式常用I don’t think…,

2.give sth. to sb./ give sb. sth. 意为“把……给……”,动词give之后可接双宾语,可用这两种句型;若指物的宾语是人称代词时,则只能用give it/ them to sb.

3.take sb./ sth. to…意为“把……(送)带到……”,后常接地点,也可接人。

4.One…, the other…/One is…and one is…意为“一个是……;另一个是……”,必须是两者中。

5.Let sb. do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,人后应用不带to的动词不定式,其否定式为Don’t let sb,do sth.,或Let sb. not do sth. 另外,Let’s 与Let us的含义不完全相同,前者包括听者在内,后者不包括听者在内,

6.help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,前者用不定式作宾补,后者用介词短语作宾补,二者可以互换.

7.What about…?/How about…?意为“……怎么样?”是用来询问或征求对方的观点、意见、看法等。about为介词,其后须接名词、代词或V-ing等形式。

8.It’s time to do…/ It’s time for sth. 意为“该做……的时间了”,其中to后须接原形动词,for后可接名词或V-ing形式。

9.like to do sth./like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”, 前一种句型侧重具体的一次性的动作;后一种句型侧重习惯性的动作,

10.ask sb.(not) to do sth. 意为“让某人(不要)做某事”,其中ask sb.后应接动词不定式,

11.show sb. sth. / show sth. to do. 意为“把某物给某人看”,该句型的用法同前面第2点。

12.introduce sb. to sb. 意为“把某人介绍给另一人”;introduce to sb.则是“向某人作介绍”。


1.kinds of 各种各样的

2. either…or…或者……或者……,不是……就是……

3. neither…nor…既不……也不……

4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中国清茶

5. take a seat 就坐

6. home cooking 家常做法

7. be famous for 因……而著名

8. on ones way to在……途中

9. be sick/ill in hospital生病住院

10. at the end of在……的尽头,在……的末尾

11. wait for 等待

12. in time 及时

13. make one’s way to…往……(艰难地)走去

14. just then 正在那时

15. first of all 首先,第一

16. go wrong 走错路

17. be/get lost 迷路

18. make a noise 吵闹,喧哗

19. get on 上车

20. get off 下车

21. stand in line 站队

22. waiting room 候诊室,候车室

23. at the head of……在……的前头

24. laugh at 嘲笑

25. throw about 乱丢,抛散

26. in fact 实际上

27. at midnight 在半夜

28. have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得愉快

29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架

30. take one’s temperature 给某人体温

31. have/get a pain in…某处疼痛

32. have a headache 头痛

33. as soon as… 一……就……

34. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事

35. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干某事

36. fall asleep 入睡

37. again and again再三地,反复地

38. wake up 醒来,叫醒

39. instead of 代替

40. look over 检查

41. take exercise运动

42. had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事

43. at the weekend 在周末

44. on time 按时

45. out of从……向外

46. all by oneself 独立,单独

47. lots of=a lot of 许多

48. no longer/more=not…any longer/more 不再

49. get back 回来,取回

50. sooner or later迟早

51. run away 逃跑

52. eat up 吃光,吃完

53. run after 追赶

54. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物

55. take(good) care of…=look after…(well) (好好)照顾,照料

56. think of 考虑到,想起

57. keep a diary 坚持写日记

58. leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下

59. harder and harder 越来越厉害

60. turn on打开(电灯、收音机、煤气等)

61. turn off 关


1.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语.

前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示“另一人(物)也如此。”前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用“Neither/ Nor + be/助动词/情态动词+主语.”这种倒装结构。


2.Turn right/left at the first/second/…crossing.

这一指路的句型意为“在第一/二/……个十字路口向右/左拐。”相当于Take the first /second/…turning on theright/left.

3.It takes sb.some time to do sth.


4.…think/find + it + adj. + to do sth.


5.What’s wrong with…?

此句型相当于What’s the matter/ trouble with…?后跟某物作宾语时,意为“某物出什么毛病了?”后跟某人作宾语时,意为“某人怎么了?”



在so…that…复合句中,that后的句子是肯定句时,常与简单句…enough to…进行句型转换.

7.Sorry to hear that.

全句应为I’m sorry to hear that. 意为“听到此事我很难过(遗憾)。”常用于对别人的不幸表示同情、遗憾之意。


1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她过去是一位汉语老师。

[用法] used to + 动词原形,表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态,含有现在不再如此之意。

[搭配] used to do的否定式可以是usedn’t to do或didn’t use to do.

[比较] used to do sth. 过去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;be used to do sth. 被用来做某事。

2.…return it sooner or later.


[用法] l)sooner or later意为“迟早”、“早晚”。

2)return此处用作及物动词,意为“归还”,相当于give back.

[拓展]return还可用作不及物动词,意为“返回”,相当于go back或come back。

3.No matter what the weather is like…无论天气……

[用法]no matter what 相当于whatever,其意为“无论什么”,引导状语从句。

[拓展]类似no matter what的表达方式还有:

no matter when无论什么时候

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;no matter where无论什么地方

no matter who无论谁

no matter how 无论怎么样

4. A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green.


[用法]practise doing sth. 表示“实践、练习(做)某事”。

[拓展]practice名词,“实践”、“实施”、“练习”;put a plan into practice实行某计划。

5. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.



2)take part in“参加”,常表示参加活动。

3)protect 是动词,表示“防御”、“保护”。

[搭配]1)encourage sb. in sth.在某事上鼓励或支持某人

nbsp;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干某事

2)protect sh. from sth.使某人不受某事侵袭或伤害

6. …to warn people about sharks in the water. ……警告人们当心水里的鲨鱼。

[用法] warn用作动词,意思是“警告”、“警戒”。

[搭配]1)warn sb.+ that从句

2)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事

3)warn sb. to do sth.告诫某人做某事

4)warn sb. against(doing) sth.告诫某人当心某事/不要做某事

重点句型、词组大盘点 1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她过去是一位汉语老师。 [ 用法 ] used to + 动词原形,表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态,含有现在不再如此之意。 [ 搭配 ] used to do的否定式可以是usedn’t to do或didn’t use to do. [ 比较 ] used to do sth. 过去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;be used to do sth. 被用来做某事。:


照顾用英语三种表达方法分别是look after、take care of、care for。

1、look after的英式读法是[lʊk 'ɑːftə];美式读法是[lʊk 'æftər]。



He has many affairs to look after.


2、take care of的英式读法是[teɪk keə əv];美式读法是[teɪk ker əv]。

作动词意思是照顾; 照料。


He is smart and can take care of himself.


3、care for的英式读法是[keə fɔː];美式读法是[ker fɔːr]。    



The sick child was well cared for night and day.




v. (动词)

1、care, care about

1)care可用作及物动词, care about中的care是不及物动词。

2)care和care about的含义相同,都表示“在乎”“关心”,但care后可接从句或动词不定式,而care about后面一般接单个名词、动名词或代词。另外,care about比care更强调关心的内容。

2、care about, care for

这两个短语都可作“关心”解,前者不如后者普遍,且care about更倾向强调重要,可译为“在乎”“在意”“关心”; 而care for强调“照料”“喜欢”。


v. (动词)




n. (名词)



